Asset Management Portal 3.14.8 - Click here for version details
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Current release 3.14, release date: 2017-05-26. Release notes »

Next release 3.14.2, scheduled for October

Here you can manage all your assets throughout their life cycles, starting from when delivery has been made.
  • Search, filter and manage your assets.
  • Follow updates that occur from other modules depending on the type of information - such as the installation information from the ADR module, financial information from the Finance module and so on.
  • All data can in an easy way be exported to Excel or PDF for use in your own reports. There is also a change log, which enables you to track changes (who changed what and when).

Example of Asset Control
In this module you can track your orders from start to finish, including information from shipping agents and on-site technicians. On-site work is reported on a per asset basis and contains deviations for both order and asset.

Example of Delivery Control
All the finance agreements are stored in the Finance Module. The module sends contracts daily to the Atea eShop. Atea eShop uses these agreements to provide a valid and accurate lease price to the customer.
The agreements are also used by AAM to link the order to a valid finance agreement after the delivery has been approved. The information can be retrieved using the Reporting Tools.

Example of Finance Control
Here you can request changes to your assets. For instance, here you can report your computer as stolen, damaged, broken, returned or simply to change your asset information. This is done in 3 steps.
  1. You select the type of change to be made.
  2. You search for and select the asset(s) that you want to change.
  3. You fill in other information (eg. Contact info, address).
You can view your open requests/changes by using the menu at the top. You can export the list to Excel.

Example of Asset Change
Here you can export various standard reports.
You select what report you want to extract, fill out the Report parameters and then create the Excel report.

Example of Reporting Tools
Published 2017-05-29 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.14 2017-05-26.
  • AAMP
    • New Role: Customer Super User, with access to additional functionality under My account.
    • My account: Made corrections to column names for Costdivision
  • Min enhet
    • Listningsvyn har utökats med fler kolumner, inkl. val av kolumner som skall visas
    • Nya ikoner i listningsvyn för "skapa ärende" och "visa detaljer"
    • "Ändra Serienummer" visas nu intill serienummer istället för ovanför detaljvyn
  • Order Portal
    • It is now possible to change Location to blank in the admin interface
  • Reports
    • Invoice Report: Added the columns BuyingUser and Warranty
    • SLA Report: Parameters Invoice Date, Installation Date and Shipment Date and Report Date are now matched to unique assets instead of unique orders
  • Tasks/Scripts
    • Recycling: EndDate from RecycledItem is now used as Timestamp for logging instead of current date
Published 2017-03-31 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.13.1 2017-03-31.
  • Agreement Control
    • Fixed an issue that was causing login problems in certain situations.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the Parent description to be displayed for Child assets
  • Asset Change
    • Fixed an issue that was causing status changes to be displayed incorrectly in Asset Control
  • Asset Control
    • Added the column "Department"
  • Reports
    • Asset Change Report: Added the column "User Name"
  • Order Portal
    • Fixed an issue that was causing old data to persist after performing Re-entry
    • Added Other Info to the Baseline export
  • External API
    • Major update of the API, including new fields and the possibility to search for assets. Please refer to the API documentation for further details
Published 2017-03-06 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.13 2017-03-06.
  • AAMP
    • Search Other: Fixed an issue with paging and it should now properly
    • Admin: Search Other has been moved from the Admin role to a separate role called Search Other
    • My Account: Fixed an issue that was preventing the search function from working for Cost Centers
  • ABM
    • In cases when there is no end-user Email, the HUB email is used instead
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the Booking email to be used instead of the Author name for Comments in certain situations
  • Agreement Control
    • Fixed an issue that was causing assets for unconnected Sell-to customers to be displayed for certain users.
    • Added functionality to search directly by clicking on the bar diagram on the dashboard
    • Fixed an issue with the cookie for Active customer settings
    • Re-design of the display for Parent/Child in the search result
    • All lists and settings are now displayed in alphabetical order
    • Added Service ID to the Excel export
    • Replaced the ACTIVE text with icons
    • It is now possible to navigate directly to a specific page in the search result
    • Added a tooltip to the Active icon
    • Removed hard-coded year 2016 in the dashboard diagrams
  • Asset Change
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing status updates from being displayed in real time in Asset Control
  • Asset Control
    • Removed the possibility to change Buying User
    • Fixed an issue that was causing blank Cost Centers to be saved as a new Cost Center when changing to blank Cost Center for an asset
    • Added the field "Last seen AD"
  • Min enhet
    • Changed the information sent to the fields Description and Symptom memo in POB, to better support existing processes for Service Desk
    • Added the field Användarnamn to the details view, that previously only existed in the Excel export
    • Added 4 fields to the Excel export: Modell, Leasingavtalsnummer, Datornamn and Leveransadress
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the Excel export to not function properly
  • Reports
    • SLA Report: Added a new parameter that displays Part Categories / Asset Types that exist for the customer
    • All reports: Removed leading "CC" from the New report style
Published 2017-01-31 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.12.2. 2017-01-30.
  • AAMP
    • Forgot password: Added info and link to Service Contract Portal.
    • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was causing the reset password link to always display "This link has expired" in certain circumstances.
  • Reports
    • Implemented Sell-to Customer support for all standard reports.
Published 2016-12-09 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.12.1. 2016-12-09.
  • AAMP
    • My Account: Added admin interface for Cost Center
    • Asset Search: New implementation for Cost Center using drop-down list
    • Dashboard: Number of assets per location and category has been updated to include alternative categories
  • Asset Control
    • Added Mass Change functionality for Cost Center
    • Edit forms: Cleaned up the interface and removed unnecessary items.
    • New implementation for Cost Center using drop-down list
    • Changed the logging function to display more useful information regarding column names
    • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was preventing Create new row from working when not all columns were displayed (Internet Explorer)
    • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was causing an error when using comma as decimal separator
    • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was preventing shipment ids from being displayed correctly
    • Added support for Danish and Norwegian translations
    • Show/Hide fields now has a separate Save button
  • Order Portal
    • Bugfix: A more appropriate error message is now displayed when first page is missing
  • Reports
    • Implemented the new Cost Center functionality
Published 2016-12-05 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.12. 2016-12-02
  • AAMP
    • Employee DB: It is now possible to create and edit employees
    • Admin/SearchOther: It is now possible to search raw recycling data
    • Bugfix: Added all system countries to all admin interfaces
    • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was preventing the activation email function from working from the My Account/My Users view.
  • ADR
      Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was causing special characters in user names to not function properly
    • Status Decommission is now set regardless of what manufacturer is used for the Decommissioning service.
  • Finance Control
    • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was preventing some Credit notes from being displayed correctly
    • Added support for Danish and Norwegian translations
  • System functions
    • Loop Services: Changes made by Loop Services are now displayed as ”goitloop” in the change log
  • Min enhet
    • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was causing the sorting function to not work when changing page
    • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was sending the request for changing serial number to the wrong email address
  • New Customer Request
    • Changed how SLA is selected. SLA is now selected for the entire customer instead of specific customer numbers
    • Added the option to select the import start date
    • Added information about SLA in the customer request admin interface
    • Other Information is now displayed in a textarea in the customer request admin interface
    • Increased the width of the text fields in the customer request admin interface
  • Order Portal
    • It is now possible to create and edit items in the Location DataList
    • Bugfix: Contact Email is now saved correctly
    • Baseline: It is now possible to export the change log
    • Baseline: It is now possible to change the Attest Completed information in the admin interface
  • Translations
    • Added support for Norwegian translations
    • Added support for Danish translations
Published 2016-10-03 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.11. 2016-09-30
  • AAMP
    • Fixed an issue where the redirect URL pointed to the wrong login screen.
    • My account - My users - Fixed certain issues with the lists under Functions.
    • My account - My users - Fixed Function settings for newly created users.
  • ABM
    • The Calendar booking is now only sent after the booking was accepted by the end-user.
    • Added a search function for bookings.
    • Fixed an issue where it was possible for the end-user to re-schedule a booking for the same day.
    • The list of unbooked orders now displays 25 orders per page.
  • Asset Change
    • Changed the name and title of the module to Atea Asset Change.
  • Asset Control
    • It is now possible to add access to specific sell-to customer numbers for all the countries.
    • Fixed an issue with filtering on finance agreements.
    • Fixed an issue with manually assets that were missing the Asset Type.
    • Increased the text size of the filter function, so it's now easier to see it.
    • Fixed an issue with changing status to WaitingReturn. The change no longer triggers OLD-marking.
    • Fixed an issue with tracking links for Denmark now being displayed correctly.
    • Added the field Distribution Date
  • Delivery Control
    • Changed the label from "ERP Status" to "Status" and changed the value from "LE" to "Shipped".
    • Changed the name and title of the module to Atea Delivery Control.
  • Order Portal
    • Font settings on the General tab are now used as default when creating new pages, content and questions.
    • Added a few missing fields in the exports
    • It is now possible to export the email log
  • Reports
    • SLA Report: Fixed an issue with how notifications are used when calculating the SLA.
    • All reports: Columns containing numbers are no longer displayed as text
Published 2016-06-21 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.10. 2016-06-21
  • AAMP
    • General: "Remember me" function is now optional when logging in.
    • General: Updated images on the Info page.
    • Dashboard: Dashboard for Finnish Finance customers has been enabled.
    • Admin: Added support for editing Sell-to customers (update and delete)
    • Admin: Fixed an issue that was preventing the creation of new customers with letters in the customer number.
    • Asset Search: Asset Search now contains all levels of CNET Categories.
    • LCM: Add to Subset now adds all assets in the list, not only the first page
    • My Account: Fixed an issue that was displaying the wrong information on the My Users page.
  • External API
    • The external API has been put into production. The External API is the best way to integrate towards AAMP. Contact your sales contact for more information.
    • Updated the External API with more text and help information.
  • Min enhet
    • Added example pictures for Apple and Lenovo products when creating new insurance cases.
  • Daily Deliveries
    • Finland
      • Added support for Agreement Data.
      • Added support for updating invoice information for historical data.
  • Order Portal
    • Added support for creating new pages, deleting pages and selecting the next page.
    • Added support for creating new emails, updating emails and previewing emails.
    • Added support for HTML-tags in pages and emails.
  • Reports
    • Added columns to these reports: Invoice Report, SLA Report, Asset Change Report
    • Added support for converting UTC order date timestamps to CET for ERP orders in the SLA Report.
Published 2016-05-06 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.9.1. 2016-05-06
  • ADR
    • Fixed an issue that was causing status changes from not being logged correctly.
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing status changes from being displayed in Asset Control right away
  • Order Portal
    • Fixed an issue that made it possible to enter the Confirm page and approve an order more than once
Published 2016-04-22 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.9. 2016-04-22
  • AAMP
    • Fixed an issue with the paging functionality in the LCM Subset list view.
  • Reports
    • There is now support for Finish finance customers on these three reports: Invoice Report, Leasing Report and Asset Change Report.
    • Added the status parameter for the Atea All Fields Report.
    • Added language support for the Reports function. This functionality will be evaluated using the Atea All Fields Report before being added to all other reports.
  • Asset Control
    • It is now possible to select the number assets to be displayed per page (10, 20, 40 or 80).
    • The price columns no longer exports as text and can now be quickly summed up in Excel.
    • The field Anti-Theft Code can now be changed when it is blank.
  • Asset Change
    • The new ticket type Stafettservice is now available. This ticket type is integrated with the Atea Mobility department.
  • Min enhet
    • The dropdown list for Ärendetyp is now grouped by Försäkring and Garanti.
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing the module from working correctly in IE 7
  • Order Portal
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Previous button from working when not all mandatory fields were filled out.
    • Fixed an issue that made it possible to go further back than the first page.
    • Fixed an issue that made it possible to add the same question to multiple pages.
Published 2016-03-20 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.8.1. 2016-03-20
  • Min enhet
    • Updated the various help texts with more detailed information
    • Added support for "Stöldmärkningsnummer", including a search parameter and export.
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing the example picture from being displayed for Lenovo devices.
Published 2016-02-08 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.8. 2016-02-08
  • AAMP
    • The first part of Dynamic fields are now available in the admin interface. The implementation in Asset Control, Reports and other affected modules and function will be added in a future version.
    • Fixed an issue where the wrong ResourceId was used for the field Company under Admin/User/Edit.
    • Fixed a bug that was causing the export of My users to contain the wrong information.
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Employee DB function from showing users for newly created customers.
    • Fixed an issue where the wrong ResourceId was used for the Cancel link when adding products for function types.
  • ABM
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the wrong date to be used when selecting a new date for bookings.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the wrong date to be displayed in the calendar view.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the wrong background color to be used for the Comments header.
  • Min enhet
      Changed the wording for certain parts of the module. Added a description for "Låneenheter".
    • Added "Stöldmärkningsnummer" in the list view, including the search function.
  • Order Portal
    • Fixed an issue that was making it possible to use the Location field without also using the Location List dataset.
  • Reports
    • SLA Report: The report has been updated with new and improved calculations.
    • All Fields Report: The report now supports translated column names.
    • All Fields Report: Added the Status parameter.
    • All Fields Report: Added support for Final Lease Cost.
Published 2016-01-04 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.7.1. 2016-01-04
  • AAMP
    • Language changes are now only done directly in AAMP and the chosen language persists when changing modules.
    • All language changing functions in specific modules have been removed.
    • Added support for the Finnish language.
  • Asset Control
    • The module is now substantially faster.
    • The customer drop-down list has been moved to a new column in the asset list.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing a crash when editing assets.
    • Added support for the Finnish language.
    • Minor visual enhancements.
  • Delivery Control
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing a specific error message from being displayed when saving reports without first filling out all the mandatory fields.
  • Finance Control
    • Added support for the Finnish language.
    • Minor visual enhancements.
  • Reports
    • SLA Report: The report has been updated with new and more precise calculations.
Published 2015-11-13 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.7. 2015-11-13
  • AAMP
    • Added the fields Goods label and External order number in the Master import template.
    • The specific activation emails can now only be sent out to users that have access to those modules.
    • The language selection now follows to the other modules that are translated. You only have to change language once!
    • Updated the message when typing the wrong username or password and when logging in while your account is inactive.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing a crash when logging in with a non-existent email address.
  • Order Portal
    • Fixed an issue that made it possible to enter the Confirmation/Attest page after the ActiveTo date.
    • Fixed an issue that made it possible to click on the Send button more than once on the last page.
  • Delivery Control
    • Fixed an issue that was sometimes preventing the error message from being displayed when saving a report without first filling out all the mandatory fields.
  • Asset Control
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing assets created in Asset Control from being displayed correctly for specific customer numbers.
  • ADR
    • Fixed an issue that prevented certain orders with blank reference number from being displayed correctly.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the Enter key to reload the page.
    • Increased the Session timeout to a more reasonable value.
  • Min enhet
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the lease dates to display the wrong information in some cases.
  • Reports
    • Asset Change Report: The report now displays text Status description instead of the Status ID for changes of Status.
    • The calendar function now contains the current year and +/- 3 years (currently 2012-2018).
Published 2015-10-02 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.6. 2015-10-02
  • AAMP
    • The "Function types" page now contains a short description.
    • Graphs on the LCM Dashboard are now displayed correctly.
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the main Dashboard graphs to be higher than expected.
    • Added support for Final Lease Cost in the addition import.
  • Asset Change
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes redirected the user to the wrong login screen.
    • MAC-address field is now translated.
    • Fixed an issue that preveted some assets from being displayed when viewing specific customer numbers.
  • Finance Control
    • Start of Lease and End of Lease are now correctly updated for the corresponding assets when assigning an agreement number to an invoice.
  • Min enhet
    • Fixed an issue that prevented some assets from being displayed as Låneenheter
  • Order Portal
    • Added support for Attest.
    • It is now possible to display answers to questions both vertically and horizontally.
    • Added support for Connected Units, such as monitors.
  • Reports
    • SLA Report: A new column "SLA Date Changed by" was added. This field contains information about where the change was made.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the "Check / Uncheck all" functionality from working in certain browsers.
    • Added support for Final Lease Cost in the Leasing Report and End of Lease Report.
  • Other
    • Added the field Final Lease Cost to the asset database. The field overrides Lease Cost whenever it contains a value.
Published 2015-08-31 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.5.2. 2015-08-31
  • AAMP
    • Translation: Select parts of the main GUI is now translated into Swedish. More parts will be translated during the fall of 2015 and the entire AAMP system will be fully translated by 2016. Default language is set to the language of your browser.
    • Logging in: When trying to login using an inactive account, you now get a more appropriate error message.
    • Reset password: When trying to reset a password for an inactive account, you now get a more appropriate error message.
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the page footer from being displayed.
    • My account: The export of Function types now also includes the unique ID for each row.
    • Employee DB: Fixed an issue that caused the list view to be displayed in edit mode.
    • My Account: Fixed an issue that caused the Company dropdown list to sometimes display the wrong information.
  • Reports
    • Asset Change Report: Added two new parameters, Asset number and Serial number.
    • SLA Report: Added the new field ShipmentID, which contains tracking numbers (if any) from shipping agents.
    • All Fields Report: Added the fields Start of Lease and End of Lease.
    • Specific columns for each report are now "fixed" and cannot be removed.
  • Min enhet
    • The column "Personnummer" has changed name to "Födelsedatum".
Published 2015-06-26 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.5.1. 2015-06-26
  • AAMP
    • Bookings: The export of the bookings log is now faster.
    • My Account: It is now possible to create new users from the "My Users" tab
      • These users can only have the same access rights (or lower) as the creator.
      • Use the Edit button after a user is created to give access to specific modules, roles, reports or functions.
      • You can send out an activation e-mail, or create a new password that will be displayed on-screen, from the "Other" tab.
  • ADR
    • Additional information is now displayed. Click on the icon on the right-hand side under the Asset information section to see this information.
    • The "landing page" has been removed. You get directly to the search box when you click on "Report delivery" in the menu
    • Minor graphical changes.
  • Asset Change
    • The general information in Step 2 is now displayed at all times, even before you make your selection in Step 1 - Select request/change.
    • [Bug fix] The new address is now used correctly when performing a "Change User" request.
  • Order Portal
    • Email: Support for sending all of the information tags, including Serial Number, in both the Subject and Body fields.
    • Admin: [Bug fix] Saving a Phase now works correctly even when not all fields are filled out.
  • Asset Control
    • Changed the way information regarding Start of Lease and End of Lease is displayed.
    • The dashboard page has been removed. You get directly to the asset view when entering the module.
    • [Bug fix] Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented assets created in Asset Control from getting a function type.
    • [Bug fix] Fixed an issue that gave the wrong Status to assets created in Asset Control.
  • Delivery Control
    • [Bug fix] SLA Dates are now saved and logged only if they are changed.
  • Finance Control
    • Lists that contain price now also display the currency.
    • It is now possible to change the agreement number for invoices.
    • It is now possible to add and change rates directly from the GUI.
    • Minor bug fixes.
  • Reports
    • Leasing Report: Changed the way information regarding Start of Lease and End of Lease is displayed.
    • End of Lease Report: Changed the way information regarding Start of Lease and End of Lease is displayed.
    • SLA Report: Order Date now includes the timestamp for EDI and eSHOP orders (Atea SE only).
Published 2015-06-01 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.5. 2015-06-01
  • AAMP
    • Forgot password functionality is now available at the login screen. Follow the instructions in the automated email to reset your password.
    • Errors in the info text have been corrected.
    • Admin: Standardized e-mail templates for customers with on-site services and the ability to edit and add new customer-specific templates.
    • Dashboard: After selecting customer there are now three dashboards on the start page that display:
      • Number of orders this month, orders last month and average last 12 months.
      • Number of assets per location and category.
      • Number of new assets per month. Only counts assets that have a serial number.
  • Delivery Control
    • Report Delivery: Changes made to the SLA Date are now logged and displayed in a list. Click on the "Change »" link next to the current SLA Date to view the change log.
    • View Order: Tracking numbers and recipient information (name and date) is now displayed under "Tracking info".
  • Asset Search
    • It is now also possible to search for order numbers and reference numbers.
  • Reports
    • You can now check/uncheck all columns with a simple mouse click.
    • In the new function report there are two columns that will not be selected by default: Bill-to, Warranty.
    • Leasing Report and End-of-Lease Report, now includes two new columns; Status and Room/Desk. The report description is updated.
Published 2015-04-24 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.4. 2015-04-24
  • AAMP
    • System: Better support for small and large letters in import.
    • System: EMPTY in import now works correctly.
    • Admin: Enhanced view in the customer bundle page.
    • Admin: Enable administration of unique SLA products.
    • Admin: New admin interface for Sell-to customer numbers.
    • Admin: Now possible to edit Bill-to
    • My Account: Function types can now be managed here.
    • Bugfix: Standard roles for new users are now added correctly.
    • Bugfix: Viewing Employee DB in LCM module, no longer crashes.
  • Asset Search
    • Bugfix: Better information displayed when there is an error.
  • Bookings
    • Bugfix: Export of sent bookings now works correctly.
  • Delivery Control
    • Bugfix: Now works for all orders, regardless of country.
  • Finance Control
    • System: More fields are now available for Credit Invoices
  • Order Portal
    • Admin: Export of baseline now available.
    • Admin: Now possible to edit Delivery Notification for Phases.
    • Email: Added support for additional tags
    • Bugfix: Removed the automatic redirect when opening multiple links.
  • Reports
    • Bugfix: Report header now displays the Bill-to number instead of AAMPs Customer ID in all reports.
    • Bugfix: The list of suggestions for Invoice Number (Invoice report) and Finance Agreement (Leasing report) is now shown properly when typing.
    • Late Deliveries: The attached file now includes a unique ID.
  • ADR
    • Added the Equipment ID column in the Asset information list.
    • Additional user/product information available under the user icon. It will show asset-specific information that isn't shown in the Asset information list
Published 2014-11-14 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.1. 2014-11-14
  • AAMP
    • System: Part Description is now gathered from eSHOP (when possible) and can now be 150 characters (up from 40). (Atea SE only)
    • System: Special characters TAB, Line feed and Carriage return are now removed automatically. This ensures better quality when exporting data.
    • My Account: User ID is now displayed.
  • Asset Management module
    • Bugfix: Bill-to Customer numbers are now displayed correctly.
  • Order Portal
    • Bugfix: Mandatory fields are now working correctly.
    • Address list: It is now possible to search for an address in the address list.
  • Reports
    • Asset Change Report: The report now contains even more types of changes. Certain types of changes are also displayed with more detailed information.
Published 2014-09-05 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 3.0. 2014-09-05
  • Order Portal
    • New Module. Used to gather information from end-users in replacement projects and more!
  • Reports
    • SLA Report: Added the parameter "Report Date". Use this parameter if you want to get only the orders that were reported during this time span
  • Employee DB
    • The field "Manager" is now visible.
    • Added the field "Cost Center" in the search window.
  • Asset Management
    • Changes are now logged in a way that makes it easier to see who made the change.
Published 2014-08-18 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 2.1b. 2014-08-18
  • Finance Module
    • Delivery Approval updated with the ability to add/change information before approving.
    • New icons.
  • Master Import
    • CreatedDate is the same for all imported rows.
  • Delivery Control
    • ENTER-key now triggers the search button.
  • Asset Management
    • Bug fix: It is now possible to continue navigating the module after exporting data.
  • SLA Report
    • The report now also contains the User's Phone field.
Published 2014-05-30 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 2.1. 2014-05-30
This is a list of the changes in version 2.1
  • Reports
    • Function Report now has the same default settings as before 2.0.
    • Bug fix: Calendars now work correctly for IE7 and other older browsers.
  • LCM Function
    • Now also includes Employee DB
    • Better feedback when adding assets to subsets.
    • Bug fix: Export function now correctly exports products that don't have a category code.
  • ADR
    • Support for enabling/disabling of specific products or categories
    • It is now possible to search for Atea eSHOP order numbers.
  • Atea Group support
    • Support for daily deliveries including:
      • Deliveries
      • Invoices
      • Forms Data
      • Config Data
  • Asset Management Module
    • Serial Number now searches as Contains by default (changed from Begins with)
Published 2014-05-09 by AAMP Admin C.Ö.
Version 2.0. 2014-05-09
  • Bug fixes
    • Imports now handle decimals correctly for prices.
  • AAMP (Frontend)
    • New color scheme
    • Re-design of the Report function, including
      • Calendar for date parameters (From/To).
      • Extended support for mutliple date parameters (Order Date, Delivery Date, Received Date, Installation Date, Invoice Date).
      • Extended support for multiple-choice parameters (Status, Part Category).
      • Extended support for "All customers".
      • Better affordance and feedback throughout the function.
    • Customer lists are now sorted by Customer Number, Customer Name, Comments
  • LCM Function
    • New function in AAMP
    • Dashboard for Asset and Order statistics
    • Quick Search
    • Support for inventory lists
    • Support for personilized lists
    • And more!
  • Atea Group support
    • Support for the entire Atea Group (SE, DK, NO, FI, Baltics)
  • Asset Management Module
    • Event log displays additional information
    • Auto search now has a 3 second delay (up from 1 second)
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